Holistic fertility care

Celery takes a whole body approach to your fertility. That's why we've got all the players on the team

Fertility educator: there for you

At Celery Health, you'll have a fertility nurse educator guiding you through the Celery pathway, offering valuable insights into your body. This extra support acts as your stand-by fertility manual, touching base at the very beginning to explain concepts like AMH, cycle tracking, and ovulation and helping you to navigate each fertility step.

Egg freezing pathways

Psychology: mind body connection

Celery Health understands the importance of addressing the psychological aspects of fertility. Research shows that integrating mental health support and stress-reduction techniques into the fertility journey improves outcomes, leading to a more balanced path to conception and family life. At Celery, we prioritise stress management techniques with dedicated mental health experts. We also appreciate that techniques learned pre-baby can be of great benefit once a child is born!

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Nutrition: food for life

Nutrition has a key role in reproductive health by regulating hormones, menstrual cycles, overall well-being as well as being vital for the growing baby in-utero. Nutritional deficiencies can affect egg and sperm quality, ovulation, menstrual regularity and the uterine environment amongst many things. Celery has partnered with nutritional experts specialising in reproductive health to ensure you're in top nutritional shape before your journey to conception or egg freezing.

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Genetic counselling: mapping your destiny

Genetic counselling holds a fundamental role in the future of fertility and reproductive health. Expert guidance and education to individuals or couples is vital to anyone facing concerns related to genetic conditions, recurrent miscarriage or potential risks with having a child with a genetic disorder. Celery has partnered with Genomic Health, a genetic counselling provider, to ensure you have access to this important service early in your fertility journey.

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What is a holistic or 'whole body' fertility approach?

A whole body approach means recognising that physical, emotional, nutritional and genetic aspects of fertility are all vital to good outcomes. Learn how our approach can optimise your reproductive well-being.


How do nutritionists contribute to a holistic fertility approach?

Nutritionists play a vital role by tailoring diets to enhance fertility. Discover how our tailored nutritional plans can boost your reproductive health. A balanced diet rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants supports reproductive function. There are SO many dietary aspects we could write about but perhaps it's better to talk to one of our experts instead. Check out our nutrition page to find out a little more.


In which ways do psychologists help with fertility?

Effective stress management techniques can potentially regulate hormone levels and increase the likelihood of successful conception. Reducing anxiety, hypervigilance and negative thought patterns are important in general life but even more so when considering fertility. Techniques like mindfulness, meditation, CBT and counselling can play a pivotal role in addressing emotional stressors and improving overall mental well-being consequently positively influencing fertility outcomes.


What genetic considerations are integrated into a fertility approach?

During the preconception or prenatal phase, genetic counselling helps in understanding the potential genetic risks you may have inherited. Genetic counsellors review your fertility or pregnancy story so far. Your family medical history (as well as your partners) is also reviewed. By assessing the likelihood of genetic conditions one can make informed decision-making regarding genetic testing and family planning options.

In cases of known genetic conditions or a family history of genetic disorders, genetic counselling aids in comprehending the risks and discussing available options. These may include in vitro fertilisation (IVF) with pre-implantation genetic testing (PGT).


Does a whole body fertility approach differ from traditional methods?

Unlike traditional approaches, our whole body strategy considers the whole person, integrating nutrition, psychology and genetics for a more personalised and effective fertility plan. Rather than every element occurring in seperate 'silos', the Celery team communicates together to work out the best advice for you. Learn about the advantages of our holistic approach with Celery Health by speaking to one of our team.


Can a holistic fertility approach increase the chances of successful fertility outcome?

Yes. By addressing the varied aspects of fertility, a holistic approach can enhance the effectiveness of fertility treatments. It can also mean you are psychologically prepared for the fertility journey ahead of you, no matter what the picture. Discover how our holistic approach can potentially improve fertility outcomes.


Are there lifestyle changes associated with a whole body fertility approach?

Yes, a holistic approach often involves lifestyle modifications that support fertility. The best part about lifestyle changes is that you can make these changes yourself! Often very cheaply or for free! It's always empowering to feel proactive and effective in your own journey. Learn about these lifestyle changes and how they contribute to our fertility approach.